Sunday, September 12, 2004

Welcome Welcome

Good Day everyone. This is Jaime, a man who goes by many names and appears in many shapes and sizes. OK, so not really, but I wish. I've been eager to start a blogsite or some form of website for quite some time now. Need to publicize my stuff and my thoughts every once in a while, yunno.
A little bit about me. I’m 20 years old living at home with my parents in Corte Madera, California. I attend College of Marin and plan to get an AA in Liberal Arts. I haven’t decided yet whether or not I want to attend a four year college. My major goal in life is to become a successful filmmaker with a career in music on the side. I may wish to attend a four year college just to] complete my education, but I’d really like to see what I can get done before then. I have two movie projects on my platter right now. The first one is “Amber: Journeys Beyond,” a supernatural thriller I’ve been trying to get done for 2 years now about two guys in a haunted house that try to set the ghosts free. It’s been a real labor of love just trying to get it done and I’m only over halfway done with it. The second movie is called “Life With Sebastian,” a documentary about my job as a caretaker for a developmentally disabled man and the kind of times we have together. I’ve already shot most of the footage I need for that one. Just need to get it together and score a few more interviews, maybe scan in some images and do some cheap cartoon work. A few more projects down the road include “McClay Road,” a party movie involving an ensemble cast and an as-of-yet unnamed project about a post-apocalyptic world with an emphasis on religion and battling an evil entity who wishes to enslave what remains of the human race. I’ll have to really cook up some case for that last project though.
For those of you who would like to know about my political preferences, I am a liberal republican. And yeah, for those of you who are most familiar with Marin County, my kind are hard to come by, especially in a college setting, but I like Bush, I appreciate what my country is doing, I don’t believe the Democrats on a lot of issues and I will be voting for Bush this November. When it comes to these issues, I realize how little the left actually knows about the war. They say Bush went into Iraq for the oil, when mounds of evidence prove otherwise, the democrats have been speaking out against Iraq for years and Bush has as much to do with Halliburton as anyone else. But no, if a Republican does something about it, they must be selfish in some way or another right? Also, they still complain about the 2000 election results in Florida saying that Bush bought the election, when it was a democrat that redesigned the polls and screwed up the voters, the recounts were mostly in favor of Bush and the Electoral College vote is what really gets you into office anyway. Sorry suckers, but that’s the truth. Oh, but Republicans are inherently evil, so they must have pulled some strings. And what’s with John Kerry anyway? Why can’t he stay constant on the major issues? Why does he brag about fighting in Vietnam when that was such a tragedy? Why doesn’t he shut up about that? But of course, the majority of Democrats are voting for him because he’s NOT BUSH! Wow, at that rate they’d vote for Fidel Castro if he ran for president. Seriously, do any of them know that Kerry supported Communism during his run as senator? Come on, people!
Anyhow, that’s all I have to say for now. I’ll probably write up some more later as I feel like it, but for now, Peace out.


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