Sunday, August 08, 2010

Arguing with Idiots Part 1

Well, folks, election time is coming up this year, and you know what that means. Politicians are campaigning, spending more on proving to people why the other guys stinks and I come to the realization that I haven’t made any political posts in a REALLY long time. As a result of all this political fevah, citizens are getting that second wind jolt supporting whatever party they so please and are more likely to be verbal when it comes to supporting them.

That being said, you won’t believe some of the things I’ve been hearing from people. So I’ve decided to start up a new written mini-series here documenting my escapades of arguing with idiots. Because when you’re unemployed in an economy and job market like this one, nothing passes the time like arguing with idiots.

First off, I’ll talk about Facebook. What wonderful little tool, isn’t it? It’s great for passing the time with games, getting in touch with old friends and automatically crossposting videos from Youtube whenever you give something a thumbs up. So when I give a thumbs up to a video posted by Republican Whip Eric Cantor that’s a clip from CNN talking about the possibility of Obama raising taxes (which has been removed for some odd reason,) someone’s bound to respond like this:

This is typical right-wing bullshit. It is NOT an Obama tax hike!! It is a law that was passed UNDER BUSH with AN EXPIRATION DATE! Simply letting something end (and oh, but the way, going back to the rates that were there before) is NOT the same thing as RAISING taxes. And James, when I friended you, I didn’t expect an endless stream of right-wing propaganda. I could just as easily post non-stop things from Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow (with the major difference being that they actually deal in facts and truch, not lies and half truths) but I don’t want to constantly inflict politics on people. Please stop with the constant political posts.

Remember kids, if you agree with the message, it’s noble, pure and for a good cause. If you don’t agree with it, it’s propaganda. Here’s my response:

So your argument is that the tax cuts were put into place by Bush, thus confirming that the video is correct? Good. Then it’s up to Obama to keep his promises, which he has a lousy track record of doing, and keep the tax cut going. I know people personally who will have to start tightening their belts if it does happen.

You think Keith Olbermann is a beacon of truth? Keith Olbermann pretty much blamed the V-Tech shooting on Bush saying that the guns used by the guy doing the shootings would not have been there had Bush not repealed a certain gun ban. And lo and behold, those guns were NOT under the gun ban, ignoring the argument that the guy would have found other weapons to use anyway.

Keith also had it in for the Tea Party movement without even having to go to one, which is quite peaceful despite how MSNBC poorly portrays the (A reporter of theirs got in trouble for doing that.) And I’ve seen the guy start calling people names after losing certain political battles. That’s childish, immature and the kind of thing you guys slam Bill O’Reilly for doing.

P.S. If you don’t like the videos that I post here, you can go ahead and unfriend me. At least I gave you enough time to hear your opinions, but if you wanna shut me out, then you might as well not even call yourself an American.

I won’t give out this guy’s real name (yet), but I should also probably mention that he had a problem with Bush “chipping away” at our basic rights and doesn’t mind bombarding people with his own ideology when he thinks he has them cornered. Even with people he works with. It’s been well over two days since we had this exchange and he hasn’t unfriended me yet, but I doubt he’ll be responding anytime soon. He answered my post with his foot in his mouth. If he responded again, the shoelaces would be coming out of his nose.


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