When In Roma

A funny thing happened today that I would like to tell about. After another great, thought provoking sermon from my preacher, Lauren and I went home where we watched an episode of “Touched by an Angel” together. In case anyone has never seen the show, it’s a show about an angel named Monica who helps people solve their problems in each episode by showing how God can save them. So today, Lauren and I decided to see if Roma Downey, the actress who plays Monica, had a listed number in her home in Malibu. We called 411 and they patched us through. I didn’t quite realize that at the time though, the plan was just to see if she had a listed number.
Now just so you know, Lauren is a total Roma Downey fiend. If it weren’t for her, I would never have seen the show to begin with. So naturally, when I decide that we should go ahead and finish the call, she completely loses it and bounces like a clown on our couch, screaming like a Bon Jovi fangirl. After that, she jumps up and pretty much dances around the room. If you’ve never seen an angel dance like mine, it’s a beautiful thing and I shall hopefully never forget it.
In all the commotion, though, I didn’t get the number. All I heard was an answering machine for “The Downey Residence” in a voice that sounded rather Irish like Roma Downey’s. Then I realized I had no clue what I was going to leave her in the message. All that was left on her machine was the sound of Lauren going insane because I didn’t hang up the phone soon enough.
And so, from then on, the afternoon was a mission to get Lauren on the phone with Roma Downey. We practiced what I was going to say, we set up the video camera and her computer to record the fantastic event and we called back 411 to get her number for real. Only this time, not a single operator knows her number. We spent half an hour or so trying to get her number and talk to her, but only came up short. According to an online search I did, though, she should still be living in Malibu. But if 411 and Whitepages.com don’t have her number, then that leads me to believe that she has an unlisted number like most actors do.
But what of the first number that we got patched through to? Was that the real Downey residence or just the closest Downey residence that sounded like it might be her? I don’t know. Quite possibly, we just left a hysterical message on the machine of a complete stranger this afternoon and either they consider it a stupid prank or they got a laugh out of it. Either way, I hope that we managed to brighten their day a little. Lauren had warned me before that if she ever met Roma Downey in person, then I might not want to be there. After what I witnessed this afternoon, I would still gladly be there with her. I just need to remember the football pads.
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