Public Moption
People can get into the most interesting conversations online, can’t they? It’s not the first time I’ve gotten into an argument on Youtube. Last time I got in an argument like this, it was over a sarcastic comment I made over someone’s tie in a video. This time it was over this video:
This video aired a month ago and was probably the first video ever posted by the Senate Democrats that actually allowed viewers to comment and rate their videos. So I took the opportunity:
Finally, a SenateDemocrats video that can be commented on! Say no to the public option!
Yeah, I realize I sound like a fanboy here. Weeks later, I get a response from boorens18:
lol FAIL.... every major study on the topic found an overwhelming majority want the public option, including CNN's study' A harvard study/etc. Its not even a discussion in the public now. The point is to get congress to do their job. Your yelling to people who dont care about your opinion jaim, and find it uncredible.
OK…So this goes against everything I’ve read up until now, so I’m just going to respond:
Wrong again. there are plenty of polls out there that have said the people don't want a public option. Rasmussen reported that 63% would rather keep their health care than go on a public option.. Of course CNN would report otherwise, since most of their viewers are Democrat.
You are a fool to think that a government as dishonest and irresponsible as this one is qualified to start taking over health care, sir. It's you that has failed.
And no, you can’t expect me to respond too politely to a guy who acts like politics is a game. So he comes back at me with this:
lol I'm studying sociology and one of the major focus points is how to do proper polling question.
The study you quoted is a misleading study...notice the wording says
"keep their healthcare rather than switch to the public option'
That is a biased study as the questioned group:
A) already has healthcare, so the study completely ignores those without healthcare.
B) The question ignores the possibility of having the public option avaliable but still keeping your current plan.
So he openly acknowledges that most people would rather not switch to a public option, but somehow comes to the conclusion that people somehow still support it. That logic eludes me. But then he comes back at me with this:
in other words, you just got OWNED by whoever did that poll. They totally tricked you and you didnt even notice because you weren't smart enough to spot it.
So no, an intelligent person wouldnt support that poll, and CNN would likewise probably avoid it. It shows the mark of a stupid group/person to hold that up as an accurate study on the healthform situation in America, (Which DOESN'T make healthcare mandatory, which your study assumes, nor does it target a biased group)
He’s in full gaming mode now.
What happened next changed the course of the conversation altogether. I actually looked up CNN’s pollings to find out that they ACTUALLY DISAGREED with him. Now, I can’t actually find the source for this information. The closest I found was this poll, but the numbers have suspiciously changed since I looked at them.
I don’t usually give people the honor of me writing them a thesis to disprove their points, but here goes:
My goodness, you’re bad at this.
First, you refer to a biased CNN poll, then you bash my sources for being biased as well. At least I could have been honest in admitting that my sources were biased, but you seem to treat this as some sort of game.
I think it would be best of you to actually take a look at CNNs polls. They recently published a report from ORC with 1,018 adults being interviewed. They were asked the question: From everything you have heard or read so far, do you favor or oppose Barack Obama's plan to reform health care? 53% said yes, 45% said no and 2% said no opinion, with a margin error of 3%. If you come back and complain that CNN is biased, then you’re going to have to admit that your own sources are faulty.
Like I said above, CNN’s polling numbers during that allotted time have suspiciously changed. If you want a more open look at how the “public” views the public option, take a look at what Pollster thinks:

Ouch. And now for the finishing touches on my thesis:
Wording or not, weve now covered at least two polls that say the public opposes The Obama Plan/Public Option/PelosiCare or whatever you want to call it.
You then go on to say that because the sample group being interviewed already has healthcare and therefore the poll ignores the possibility of a public option. There’s no connection. Because people have health care does not defeat the chance of people wanting the public option. Again, even CNN acknowledges that people disagree with you.
If you’re going to make the connection that Rasmussens pollsters don’t acknowledge the public option being optional, then you’re going to have to say the same about CNN because I don’t see anyone mentioning that over there either on that specific poll. Now, lets get down to the real issue here. Congress is trying to create a public option that would drive up taxes and pretty much guarantee a worse health care system. Organizations like Kaiser are having enough trouble getting an H1N1 vaccine.
So basically, stop playing games here and making yourself look foolish by typing stuff like lol FAIL over a matter that should be taken much more seriously. Most people in this country are for health care reform of some sort, so let’s actually try and make Congress come up with something that the people support instead of bickering on Youtube like ten-year-olds.
It took him long enough, but he came back with this:
you realize that "bickering on youtube" is called discussion, and its a way too organize and educate citizens?
Oh and that was a terrible attempt to dodge my point....You fell for a biased poll entirely. Now your just upset, and choose to instead target my sarcasm/joke slang rather than my point.
Did I miss something?
How many times have people come to some sort of peaceable solution by calling their opponents stupid? And what point was he trying to make that I dodged? The point of his original argument was that the “overwhelming majority” supported the public option. I thoroughly debunked him and even cited a CNN source to discredit his own citing of CNN. All the while, he mocks me and ends his argument by reiterating that polls are biased.
You know who this guy reminds me of? He reminds me of that kid on the playground who started fights with other kids and couldn’t take it when he lost, so he just called the other kid a “poopyface” and left. In any case, he is right about one thing: our current government doesn’t care about what people think. The house passed Pelosi’s nearly 2,000 page bill and it’s off to the Senate. Chances are the Democratic majority and any RINOs left will pass it, it’ll go to the president and he’ll sign it into law, thereby screwing us all with higher taxes at the very least. It didn’t take long for this administration to lose touch with the American people and hopefully people start realizing that.
In conclusion, most liberals are idiots. What else is new?
UPDATE: The bill will be debated on the Senate floor after Thanksgiving, so for now our punishment has been delayed. Consider yourselves warned, foolish mortals!
This video aired a month ago and was probably the first video ever posted by the Senate Democrats that actually allowed viewers to comment and rate their videos. So I took the opportunity:
Finally, a SenateDemocrats video that can be commented on! Say no to the public option!
Yeah, I realize I sound like a fanboy here. Weeks later, I get a response from boorens18:
lol FAIL.... every major study on the topic found an overwhelming majority want the public option, including CNN's study' A harvard study/etc. Its not even a discussion in the public now. The point is to get congress to do their job. Your yelling to people who dont care about your opinion jaim, and find it uncredible.
OK…So this goes against everything I’ve read up until now, so I’m just going to respond:
Wrong again. there are plenty of polls out there that have said the people don't want a public option. Rasmussen reported that 63% would rather keep their health care than go on a public option.. Of course CNN would report otherwise, since most of their viewers are Democrat.
You are a fool to think that a government as dishonest and irresponsible as this one is qualified to start taking over health care, sir. It's you that has failed.
And no, you can’t expect me to respond too politely to a guy who acts like politics is a game. So he comes back at me with this:
lol I'm studying sociology and one of the major focus points is how to do proper polling question.
The study you quoted is a misleading study...notice the wording says
"keep their healthcare rather than switch to the public option'
That is a biased study as the questioned group:
A) already has healthcare, so the study completely ignores those without healthcare.
B) The question ignores the possibility of having the public option avaliable but still keeping your current plan.
So he openly acknowledges that most people would rather not switch to a public option, but somehow comes to the conclusion that people somehow still support it. That logic eludes me. But then he comes back at me with this:
in other words, you just got OWNED by whoever did that poll. They totally tricked you and you didnt even notice because you weren't smart enough to spot it.
So no, an intelligent person wouldnt support that poll, and CNN would likewise probably avoid it. It shows the mark of a stupid group/person to hold that up as an accurate study on the healthform situation in America, (Which DOESN'T make healthcare mandatory, which your study assumes, nor does it target a biased group)
He’s in full gaming mode now.
What happened next changed the course of the conversation altogether. I actually looked up CNN’s pollings to find out that they ACTUALLY DISAGREED with him. Now, I can’t actually find the source for this information. The closest I found was this poll, but the numbers have suspiciously changed since I looked at them.
I don’t usually give people the honor of me writing them a thesis to disprove their points, but here goes:
My goodness, you’re bad at this.
First, you refer to a biased CNN poll, then you bash my sources for being biased as well. At least I could have been honest in admitting that my sources were biased, but you seem to treat this as some sort of game.
I think it would be best of you to actually take a look at CNNs polls. They recently published a report from ORC with 1,018 adults being interviewed. They were asked the question: From everything you have heard or read so far, do you favor or oppose Barack Obama's plan to reform health care? 53% said yes, 45% said no and 2% said no opinion, with a margin error of 3%. If you come back and complain that CNN is biased, then you’re going to have to admit that your own sources are faulty.
Like I said above, CNN’s polling numbers during that allotted time have suspiciously changed. If you want a more open look at how the “public” views the public option, take a look at what Pollster thinks:

Ouch. And now for the finishing touches on my thesis:
Wording or not, weve now covered at least two polls that say the public opposes The Obama Plan/Public Option/PelosiCare or whatever you want to call it.
You then go on to say that because the sample group being interviewed already has healthcare and therefore the poll ignores the possibility of a public option. There’s no connection. Because people have health care does not defeat the chance of people wanting the public option. Again, even CNN acknowledges that people disagree with you.
If you’re going to make the connection that Rasmussens pollsters don’t acknowledge the public option being optional, then you’re going to have to say the same about CNN because I don’t see anyone mentioning that over there either on that specific poll. Now, lets get down to the real issue here. Congress is trying to create a public option that would drive up taxes and pretty much guarantee a worse health care system. Organizations like Kaiser are having enough trouble getting an H1N1 vaccine.
So basically, stop playing games here and making yourself look foolish by typing stuff like lol FAIL over a matter that should be taken much more seriously. Most people in this country are for health care reform of some sort, so let’s actually try and make Congress come up with something that the people support instead of bickering on Youtube like ten-year-olds.
It took him long enough, but he came back with this:
you realize that "bickering on youtube" is called discussion, and its a way too organize and educate citizens?
Oh and that was a terrible attempt to dodge my point....You fell for a biased poll entirely. Now your just upset, and choose to instead target my sarcasm/joke slang rather than my point.
Did I miss something?
How many times have people come to some sort of peaceable solution by calling their opponents stupid? And what point was he trying to make that I dodged? The point of his original argument was that the “overwhelming majority” supported the public option. I thoroughly debunked him and even cited a CNN source to discredit his own citing of CNN. All the while, he mocks me and ends his argument by reiterating that polls are biased.
You know who this guy reminds me of? He reminds me of that kid on the playground who started fights with other kids and couldn’t take it when he lost, so he just called the other kid a “poopyface” and left. In any case, he is right about one thing: our current government doesn’t care about what people think. The house passed Pelosi’s nearly 2,000 page bill and it’s off to the Senate. Chances are the Democratic majority and any RINOs left will pass it, it’ll go to the president and he’ll sign it into law, thereby screwing us all with higher taxes at the very least. It didn’t take long for this administration to lose touch with the American people and hopefully people start realizing that.
In conclusion, most liberals are idiots. What else is new?
UPDATE: The bill will be debated on the Senate floor after Thanksgiving, so for now our punishment has been delayed. Consider yourselves warned, foolish mortals!
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