Sunday, August 08, 2010

Arguing with Idiots Part 2

Time for some real fun. Last week, the SenateDemocrats channel on Youtube posted an attack ad on their Youtube channel. And for once, they actually allowed people to make comments on it:

In the days since this video was posted, it has been a tremendous personal source for left wing demagoguery. Comments from a user named ronald6838 have been removed, and with a name like Ronald, I reallywonder which side he supports. And these comments really must’ve been bad if they had to be removed, because the lefties using words like “asshole,” “dumbass,” and “Republitard” seems to be perfectly acceptable.

Anyhow, here was my first response to the video:

And in reality, no one knows how accurate these numbers really are. They think that by spending like crazy, their somehow saving money and saving jobs. If you want a good read on how to save the economy and save jobs, read Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics."

My first response came from “TheMisken,” who was relatively polite considering what I had coming to me:

at least we're spending to at least TRY to save jobs. Bush's presidency's spending consisted of WAR WAR WAR and tax cuts. (which, by the way, completely screwed up his Clinton-inherited budget surplus)

Right off the bat, he whines about the Iraq War that Bush started, Democrats supported and now still keep going. Typical what they’ll do when they’re out of options. My response:

I understand the need to save jobs, but spending in ways that will inevitable raise taxes on businesses or dig us deeper into debt is not the way to do it. And yes, Clinton DID have a surplus by taxing people like crazy. That's why when you look at the Clinton years, you'll notice that he had a higher unemployment rate.

And yes, Bush did go on a spending spree, which constitutes a sizeable portion of our debt now that got dwarfed by the current administration. Which is why we need to start hiring real conservatives in order to fix the economy and fix the unemployment rate.

This is me being polite. And considering what I’ve had to put up with since then, I don’t feel like being so polite anymore.


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