Monday, January 08, 2007

Crazy Shayla

For the past several months, Lauren and I have been dealing with this insane little girl who lives in the body of a grown woman who lives in Arizona. She’s been calling our friends and various other people threatening to kill, hurt and sic her dog on people. Even gone as far as threatening to eat people with her hair. She’s lied, taken advantage of mentally challenged people for the sake of getting other people’s phone numbers so she can harass more people, gone to great lengths to hurl death threats at people and then some.

Why you ask? She’s still jealous about losing her boyfriend over the summer and she’s getting her revenge by making every woman connected to him miserable. If you don’t believe me, click the link here:

(Warning: Not Work Safe)

The voice you here is the voice of Shayla having left several messages on the machine of Gabby, a mentally handicapped girl who she’s been taking advantage of and abusing over the phone. It doesn’t take a military genius to tell that this girl needs to be locked up. Fortunately for us, she’s gone and threatened the wrong people, namely a lawyer who lives here in California.

Let me put it to you this way. If you threaten me, that’s one thing. Just don’t do it too much, or you’re in trouble. Ask my old work parter Erik. He’ll tell you. If you threaten my girlfriend, you’re instantly in trouble. Period. You’ve gone too far. And if you threaten a lawyer, not only are you in trouble but your cocky @$$ is oughtta town. Kapiche? Good. I’m glad we understand each other.


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