Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Molten Rumpus

OK, so I got this e-mail a few days ago. Seems like there’s this really cool looking movie coming out soon, but the nasty thing is that it’s religiously offensive:

I checked this out on Snopes and it's true. Wow! I just received this and think it is CRITICAL that all parents AND grandparents be informed. Go to the site (link is below) to read about the movie and the author of the books.

You may already know about this, but I just learned about a kid’s movie coming out December 7th starring Nicole Kidman.... it's called “The Golden Compass,” and while it will be a watered down version, it is based on a series of children's books about killing God (it is anti-Narnia - anti-C.S. Lewis). Please follow this link, and then pass it on. From what I understand, the hope is to get a lot of kids to see the movie - which won't seem too bad - and then get the parents to buy the books for their kids for Christmas. The quotes from the author sum it all up. He is an avowed atheist and wrote the books to counter-attack CS Lewis. I'm going to tell everyone about this movie. I hope it totally bombs because we were all paying attention! It is my hope that we who believe in the Almighty, will stand up and share the truths of what this movie is really trying to do to the minds of our young people!

Yeah, it does sound like whoever wrote this is a little excited. But follow the link above and give it a read. I found it quite interesting, especially how Philip Pullman says “My books are about killing God.” One can only imagine he was thinking “boy, is that statement going to garner a lot of attention” when he said that. It would also seem that Pullman, like most atheists of his creed, completely misunderstands the concept of religion. He seems to be under the impression that religion is ideological tyranny, that we reject this world completely in favor of the afterlife… and these are all criticisms of religion that I’ve heard before, but then there’s this part. He says in his books that a churches job is to “control, destroy, obliterate every good feeling.”

What am I reading here? I’ve just gone blind from the blindness my eyes have just read. I attend church weekly to see people throw their hands up in enjoyment during praise, a pastor with a sense of humor and people glad to see each other during coffee hour. If this guy is actually passing these books off as his beliefs, then where does he get the feeling that a church does not promote fun? I used to go to youth group sessions that were in my church. We went to see movies together, went to summer camps, did everything. Churches don’t want you to feel good? Please.

In conclusion, I wanted to say that I blogged on this not just on request, but because I can understand the need for passing this warning out. I’ll probably wind up seeing the movie myself when it comes out on DVD, but I just want anyone who happens to read my blog know what they’re getting into if they go see this movie. It’s probably not as bad as people say it is, but after certain movies like “The DaVinci Code,” you never know.



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