Sunday, August 08, 2010

Arguing with Idiots Part 4

Revenge of the attack ad responses part deux: when libs attack! Starring Wingtipshoes:

That's not quite true - the vast majority of the deficit is the result of Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, which took place while the GOP had majorities in both the Senate and the House. And don't forget the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (and the cost they cause) were started while the GOP controlled the entire government.
Anyway, when the budget went into surplus, Speaker Gingrich didn't want to pay debt - he wanted to cut taxes. It was Clinton who insisted on paying down the debt.

Have a read of how the GOP opposed Clinton's economic plans, which resulted in massive economic expansion, employment and debt reduction. They've done the same thing with Obama - they reject good economic policy and bet against the national interest.

Ah yes, I remember that. The business safety bubble Clinton helped create that popped and led to recession. I think somewhere in Greece, a fictional god is missing his flying sandals. If I didn’t have a life other than Youtube, I may have had time to respond to this one. Instead, I got this from xClarissaV6661:

You need only watch the news, read the paper or tune into c-span to see how correct these #'s are. And what would you have the current administration do in light of what they inherited? If $ was not spent there would be millions more unemployed, no US car industry (except maybe Ford), millions more filing for bankruptcy due to no healthcare and the list goes on. The party of NO is gone or will be.

I think she meant to say “numbers” up there: My response:

Yes, I've watched C-Span. I watched C-Span when the Republicans attempted to remove the regulations on the banking industry that got us into this mess. Now these guys are sitting pretty up there thinking that it was conservatives that were the only problem. And as for the car industry, yeah, I remember what they did with that Vegas. I also remember how the stimulus money that disappeared into area codes that don't exist in the U.S. Makes one curious.

My apologies for the grammatical error up there.


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