Wednesday, November 03, 2004

“V’ is for Victory

“V’ is for Victory

I sincerely hope that the 4 out of 5 terrorists that were against Bush are shitting in their pants for the next four years. I watched the election closely last night with my fingers crossed in a jumble behind my back. And as I saw the red slowly bleed over the map, I’d never realized that it can be such a pretty color. The thirty or so countries that are on our side can breathe a sigh of relief now. Bush is back. Four more years. Can’t wait to see how it goes.

High points of my day

1. My U.S. History teacher nearly replaced today’s lecture with an hour long spin on the events that transpired last night. Now we’ll be facing the biggest debt in the world, but she’ll be laughing her head off at us while my generation deals with it because she’ll be well retired and probably dead by that time.

2. I walked around campus today with a large “Bush/Cheney” sign in my left hand and my trusty video camera in the other to celebrate the Republican victory. It was a popular AND electoral vote this time and their candidate couldn’t take the heat. And even though my campus is overwhelmingly leftist, I’ve never had so much respect from everyone as I saw today.

3. My boss’ primary reason for voting for Kerry was that he had a friend fighting in Iraq and he wanted him out of there. As I waited for the bus with him, he saw a familiar car drive by and his friend driving it. I hadn’t seen him happier in such a long time.

And if that doesn’t convince you that I had a good day today, this will. I got interviewed by the school newspaper about how I felt the election went. That more than makes up for that whole mishap that happened last month. This one had better get in. And if it doesn’t I have it here for the world to see. It’s in Divx, so right click the link below and choose save as.

Enjoy. I know I did.


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