Sunday, February 27, 2005

Ward Churchswill

It doesn’t surprise me that one of the leaders of political radicalism at colleges happens to be a dirty, smell hippy like Ward Churchill. According to and their Scarborough country video entitled “Radicals on Campus,” Churchill is a college professor who believes that America deserved 9/11.

How is it that bungholes like this guy wind up traveling from university to university telling students how bad America is without losing his own job for damaging the reputation of his own college? If I was the Administrator at the college, I’d fire his ass at the first opportunity I got. I understand that this guy has his rights as a citizen, but I also would have my rights to fire him if I didn’t want him to represent my college.

In response to this radicalism, David Horowitz, a man who’s an online news editor, is running a battle against it with his own set of rules called the “Academic Bill of Rights.” Sounds like the guy’s in the right place right? Well, almost. According to this Bill of Rights, “professors must not use their classrooms for political, ideological, religious or anti-religious indoctrination.” In other words, any exercise of free speech period goes out the window. I guess if this guy had his way, there would be no classes on religion, anthropology, history or even political sciences, because from my experience, that’s most of what I got coming from those classes. Basically, this is fighting radicalism with radicalism and I’m not so sure it’s gonna work.

Now don’t get me wrong, if I were a college administrator, I would love to have Liberal teachers at my school. After all, as this video definitely proves, there’s a tremendous left-wing bias in our educational systems and it’s not going away any time soon. The trouble is, the moment some jerk who works for me starts going place to place telling everyone about how much he hates his country, I would consider that too radical for anything and I wouldn’t want that guy representing my college. Enough said.


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