Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Theory of Modern Darwinism

Since I haven’t gotten incredibly philosophical in a long time and I’m overdue for a Plato moment at any time now, I think I’ll settle on this one. I’ve always been enthused with the concept of social Darwinism. Sure, it’s a dead dog of an ideology to follow, but there are certain truths in every ideology that’s based in reality. It started as an answer to why things were, reached it’s climax when everyone became so incredibly racist that they almost killed each other off and now exists as a shadow of it’s former influence as “The Darwin Awards,” a website that gives “awards” to people who died from doing something incredibly stupid.

In recent times, a certain factor in actual Darwinism, aka the kind of Darwinism that Darwin himself approved of, has come under fire. That factor is that the weak die out. The reason why this has come under fire is because with progress made in medical sciences, we manage to extent the lives of the elderly and help people with otherwise fatal conditions so that they don’t die out. And somehow, people think that because of this, we are proving Darwin wrong, despite the fact that not everyone who needs this treatment gets it and in every country in the world, people are dying due to this along with the animals. Case in point, when you can cure all the dying people in the world from their fatal natural conditions, then Darwin will be wrong, but until then, it’s Darwin: 1, Others: 0.

And now for something completely related.

I was forced to ponder the idea of Social Darwinism when I read about the case of Leroy Wells on Right-thinking.com. For those of you who aren’t familiar with him, Leroy Wells is one of those guys who auditioned for “American Idol” and it was just so gawd awful that it made everyone who watched the show topple over with laughter at how they actually thought they had any skill period. I never watch “American Idol,” I just watch all the rejects whose auditions eventually wind up on the Internet. Among this crowd of talentless hacks are William Hung, “Kieth Da Virgin” and the guy who works in the chicken factory who came on singing “Barbie Girl.” No wait, that last one was on “The X Factor.” Never mind.

Anyways, Leroy Wells came on to sing some stupid R&B song that was probably the only set of words that anyone understood coming out of his mouth. When he talked, it was hard to understand anything he said. He couldn’t immediately find the stage, he had to be directed to it. Lastly, he didn’t really sing very well (you probably saw that coming) and he tried to make up for it by bobbing his head and stomping around the stage like a Neanderthal.

If you want to watch his audition, click this link:

What did all this get him? Nothing. But if his words could be properly understood, he said that he was planning to have such an awesome “krunk” performance so that he could get all the judges krunked that they’d put his performance on TV and make him famous. For y’all who ain’t up wit’ today’s slang, krunk is defined on urbandict.com as being a song or dance that will get you pumped or a new swear word. This performance was neither and caused Simon Cowell to spit out a few new quips about his performance. Hmm, a terrible singer who was chewed out by Simon and went on to become famous for having no skill and actually getting paid for it. That sounds familiar. Oh yeah, that’s the Story of William Hung, the singer who redid Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs,” got a record contract and is currently making the tsunami victims even more miserable with a duet with Jackie Chan. Or at least that’s what I heard.

Undoubtedly, Leroy Wells thought that he could repeat this success by doing the same kind of crap, only worse. Well sadly, he was wrong. And as I found out, it’s not the first time he’s made a grave error in judgment. The night that his performance was aired on TV, he was in jail for failing to appear in court. Apparently, he had been arrested earlier on that month for shooting somebody’s car with a handgun. Apparently, he didn’t like the way the cars were arranged and decided to shoot some guy’s car, thus penetrating car door and wounding someone in the hip. Now he’s in jail. Good.

How does this relate to social Darwinism, you ask? Social Darwinism attempts to explain why people are where they are in this world. Simply put, they are where they are because they belong there. Leroy Wells is a stupid crook who not only killed audiences with a terrible performance, but shot someone’s car AND their hip and wound up in jail for it. He has been put in his place simply because he put himself there. In conclusion, I guess there’s even some truth in the old ways of thinking as well. We live in a society where people are put where they belong by themselves most of the time. Despite the exceptions to the rule, this is the modern world of Social Darwinism. Welcome to my world, baby. Can you dig it?


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