Tuesday, July 12, 2005

About time I reported

Just to show that I’m not some evil fascist who prides on not noticing the obvious, I would like to take some time on my blog to acknowledge the terrorist attacks which occurred in London last week. I hereby offer my condolences to those affected and pray that the English, specifically Tony Blair who hasn’t got much of a track record fighting Al-Qaeda, realize why they should be with us on this whole “War on Terror” thing that’s been going on for almost four years. That’s just my thoughts on it though.

I also have acknowledged that people all over the United States with different political backgrounds will and have already used this tragedy to further their own political agenda. Who hasn’t? Even a few anarchists who I’ve come to know have used this to further their agenda to destroy faith in our system and others. The reason? Because the U.S. was responsible for 9/11 and other terrorist attacks. And they’ve probably made out Britain to look like the enemy as well, all when it’s blatantly obvious that the only reason for these attacks is because the terrorists who do this shit just want to kill everyone else who doesn’t agree with their fascist system of thinking. And it looks like they want anyone else they can get involved. But it’s all our fault, right anarchists?


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