Friday, April 29, 2005

If You Can Accessorize

Up until this point in time, the cell phone industry has provided it’s loyal followers with the most amazing accessories including voice recognition, crappy gaming, crappy video and photography, crappy Internet connections mostly useful for checking one’s e-mail and crappy vibrators to keep the wife busy when you’re on a business trip. What can we expect from the future of cell phone technology that we can already get better on our other home appliances? Crappy TV (Bottom of Page.)

“By 2010, about 125 million consumers will be watching TV on their cell phones, according to a new study by the research group Informa. Just entering a testing phase, only about 130,000 TV phones, which use a special chip, are expected to be sold this year, but the instruments are expected to catch on quickly as consumers discover that they'll be able to call up TV programs and music wherever they are on demand.”

I hereby put this on my list of things to love about my country: How we can come up with such creative ideas and make them happen. On the other hand, think about this one. Do you really need TV on your cell phone? I can understand wanting this sort of thing if you’re on a long trip away from home, but if you don’t travel much and you already have a TV at home, would you need this? Don’t think so, but I know a certain friend of mine is going to buy this anyway. Wait and see.


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