Monday, July 25, 2005

A Week in Review

Alright, it’s 11:00 PM, I’ve taken Unisom and I’m tired, but I’m still gonna stay up a bit longer for “Robot Chicken,” but as I look down on my unclipped fingernails, I realize now is a good time to blog… even if it comes out delirious. So here goes:

First off, remember that video I mentioned before that I made of my trip to Mexico? I believe I blogged about it. Well apparently, it didn’t show again this Sunday and it’s being bumped back again. And yeah, people have been wanting to see the video for weeks now, but it keeps getting bumped back for one reason or another. Peachy-keen. I’m pretty sure though that Andrew Stanton isn’t going to see it because he’s never at church anymore. Probably because too many kids bugged him about “Finding Nemo.” And I wouldn’t know about Brad Bird either. However, a Mr. Roger Krakow who I went on the trip with happens to own a video company in town, so I might be lucky there. And he is featured in the videos a lot along with his family. So there’s a chance if I ever need a job in the future. I just hope Erik doesn’t find out about it yet.

Speaking of which, Erik’s the guy who’s paying me to do Amber. He’s been harassing me about it for weeks now. I’m not slacking off on him, I’m getting the job done. But the problem is, I’m spending my work time doing all the hardest-to-do stuff, so I can get that out of the way. That means basically that I spend most, if not all five hours of my work time working on a single shot that takes forever because I have to construct the background from scratch, apply special effects and compositing and do a number of heavy duty things I couldn’t even begin to explain. But since he doesn’t realize how much work goes into each shot, he’s accusing me of ripping him off. Makes me wonder how many times he accuses friends of ripping him off, especially ones who he offers to pay.

Besides, he pretty much told me last week that he doesn’t care about the majority of the movie, just the parts of it that he’s in. And that’s what he wants to see. So he keeps badgering me about that even when I have to finish other important things for a variety of reasons I’ve explained to him and he seems to like to dismiss. So he’s bugged me about it and told me to do stuff with him over and over again, like I’m going to change my answer every time. I’m done with most of his stuff anyway. What am I supposed to do, work on it all over again? Forget it. Right now I’m starting to think whether or not I should do another movie again, if he’s going to act like this.

And that’s not the only job trouble I’m having. Yesterday, I was working at my other job with Sebastian, the fellow in the wheelchair. Do any of you know who Melba Beals is? I ran into her and her two sons while Sebastian and I were at the mall. She was one of the Little Rock 10, the first ten black students to attend a white high school in the South. I’m friends with one of her sons. So I explained who she was to Sebastian and I asked “Can you imagine getting a regular high school education and having to go through all that?” (referring to torture from other students, bad language and attacking Melba with fireballs.) What he heard me say though is “Seb, you didn’t get a regular high school education,” which is not at all what I meant. So he tells me that he got a regular education, even though he’s in an electric wheelchair, has a major case of cerebral palsy and math skills that even a Kindergartener could do better than. I should know because I tried helping him in math. He can’t even add or subtract the smallest numbers.

So now, he’s brought up his education. All I had to do was ask him questions about it and he was all over me like I was attacking him. He even told me that he got a better education than I did, which was just plain rude bullshit. I mean yeah, he apparently took 6 classes a semester which is a regular in some cases, but considering his lack of mental processing ability, how much of that do you think was a pass just because he’s a special case student? Yeah, most of it. Now, I may sound mean bringing this up, but after I’ve been attacked by my boss who thought I was attacking him and decided to fight me, I don’t exactly feel like being too nice to everyone right now.

And so now that I’ve finished a full night’s sleep, I’m continuing writing this post the next morning. Saturday night, I went to my grandparent’s house to visit. Sebastian calls me up on his cell phone, telling me that his younger sister was wanting to pursue a modeling career too. For some odd reason, that spells bad news for him. See, he actually hates his sister. The way the family is set up, it seems to me like he and his sister couldn’t care less about one another. Even though she was nice enough to give him Internet access through her cable connection. Now he’s freaking out about her wanting a modeling career because it’s his dream and he doesn’t want her to have it. His mom usually dismisses this sort of thing as sibling rivalry. As a sibling myself, I can tell you that my siblings and I buried the hatchet a long time ago. These two are 23 and 17 and still fight wars with each other, and while I’m not too fond of her myself, I’m not going to compete with her or try to ruin her chances like Sebastian wants to.

Phew, there. That’s all the troubles of the week mounted up into one giant mess there. Boy, am I glad to be back on my Prozac. And now it’s time for some good news. I FINALLY got my new bicycle. I know most people my age drive, but since I don’t quite have that piece of education yet I’m going to do the best with what I have. And boy, this baby is sweet. It’s a Giant brand bicycle with dual shock absorbers, 8x speed, handlebar gearshifts and a pant leg protector. I love it. The best birthday present I’ve ever had.

And now for the bad news again. The paintball tickets I bought several months ago that were good for a year: I feel liked I’ve been dicked over. The closest location that I can find that they are valid for is over 300 miles away. And my brother and I are set up to go paintballing tomorrow. Just when I thought I was gonna have a good time, the best laid schemes of mice and men went awry. Looks like I’m gonna have to do some quick replanning for tomorrow. So excuse me while I end this post on a sour note:



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