Friday, September 16, 2005

Gettin' Cocky

I just got a sneak peak at the next big revolutionary gaming system from Nintendo, aptly named "Nintendo Revolution." What's so revolutionary about it minus the improved graphics and other stuff that goes without saying? Well, we can talk about the game controller for starters, i.e. the thing that looks a remote control linked to above.

What are they thinking? Is it really a good idea to have a video game controller that looks like a remote control? Especially when most houses who have this kind of technology already have a remote control for their television, stereo and DVD player in their den? Won't that get more confusing? And how will anyone adjust to the gameplay? Something is seriously wrong here. My guess is eventually Nintendo will realize this as a flaw and release a more easy-to-use controller. If not, this must be a joke.


Nope, it's not a joke.


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