Bushwacking to the Max
Alright, it’s way overdue time for me to do something political again, and since I’ve already waited long enough to blog on this, I think I’ll just get it over with. A few weeks ago, I saw this poster up on my school campus:

Oh, wow. They could have used this as toilet paper, but they decided to take some perfectly good trees and make this instead. The sad thing about this is that most of this can be debunked really easily. But first let’s take a closer look:

(Click the pic for a bigger one)
Alright, first of all, of course millions are outraged. As long as there are millions of Democrats, there will be millions opposing Republicans. And how in the heck is the Bush administration remaking society in a fascist way? Are they talking about Iraq or the United States? Furthermore, you still can’t convince me that this war is unjust. Unless you can deny that we’ve made progress in stopping Al-Qaeda’s plans, you can’t say that the war is unjust…Unless you’re the loony type who automatically thinks that everything Bush says is a lie just because he said it. And criminal? Whoa, I’d like to hear them explain that.
Actors, artists, writers and musicians are stepping forward indeed. I’m sure that Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon or someone that’s similar were attending this event. Well if Sean Penn’s angry, then we should be too, right? Don’t think so. So what else do they do? They bring pots and pans to bang and try to drown out the Bush speech. People actually did this! They banged on pots and pans as loud as they could like Kindergarteners! They’re fellow Democrats ought to be embarrassed by this. I mean, it embarrasses me to know that some of my fellow Republicans are racists. How do they feel about some of their kind being hooligans? Honestly, you wanna bet there was a huge mess and a few fights breaking out here with these events? Geez.

Oh, wow. They could have used this as toilet paper, but they decided to take some perfectly good trees and make this instead. The sad thing about this is that most of this can be debunked really easily. But first let’s take a closer look:

(Click the pic for a bigger one)
Alright, first of all, of course millions are outraged. As long as there are millions of Democrats, there will be millions opposing Republicans. And how in the heck is the Bush administration remaking society in a fascist way? Are they talking about Iraq or the United States? Furthermore, you still can’t convince me that this war is unjust. Unless you can deny that we’ve made progress in stopping Al-Qaeda’s plans, you can’t say that the war is unjust…Unless you’re the loony type who automatically thinks that everything Bush says is a lie just because he said it. And criminal? Whoa, I’d like to hear them explain that.
Actors, artists, writers and musicians are stepping forward indeed. I’m sure that Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon or someone that’s similar were attending this event. Well if Sean Penn’s angry, then we should be too, right? Don’t think so. So what else do they do? They bring pots and pans to bang and try to drown out the Bush speech. People actually did this! They banged on pots and pans as loud as they could like Kindergarteners! They’re fellow Democrats ought to be embarrassed by this. I mean, it embarrasses me to know that some of my fellow Republicans are racists. How do they feel about some of their kind being hooligans? Honestly, you wanna bet there was a huge mess and a few fights breaking out here with these events? Geez.
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