Sunday, May 14, 2006

Saving My Religion

Remember those good old days hundreds of years ago when people lived in fear of the Catholic church? The good ole glory days of the Spanish Inquisition? The Salem Witch trials? Yessir, there was once a time when killing anyone who didn’t believe in Christianity was as right as rain. Ah, those were the good ole days…NOT! Quite frankly, I think it’s sick when I think of any religion prosecuting people for not believing in them. And very idea that people nowadays actually stay away from Christianity because of what happened with the Catholic Church hundreds of years ago makes me feel sometimes like I’m surrounded by fools. OK, so that’s an exaggeration clearly.

This brings me to my point: How has history turned on its head? Now we’re the ones getting killed just for being Christian. It’s no joke, check these websites out:

I just got these URLs last week at a church service. I’ll spend more time buzzing through them myself, but it kinda makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Many people remember what happened hundreds of years ago as a crime, so what do they call this? Where’s the huge uprising from most non-religious folks over these travesties? They can’t all not know about them. We Christians are now the ones being killed and tortured just because. And by Islamic folks to boot.

If you’re reading this and you have a heart, go to these websites and sign the petitions, make donations, do whatever you can to help these people. If you don’t have a heart, just take a look anyway. One day, these could be people like you.


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