No Surprise There
I said I’d send out the word if my birthday list ever got updated, and I shall do so now. But first off, I’d like to take note that my birthday is turning out kinda weird this year. I have accidentally discovered what two people are getting me this year. First off, my girlfriend got me “Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical” I discovered this after she told me a few weeks ago about getting me a present off of Wal-Mart and saying it was one of the movies I’d posted. I told her later that if she’d gotten me “Reefer Madness” from Wal-Mart, then it was the wrong version…in a very gentlemanly manner of course. So then she tried to cancel it, BUT it was too late. No surprise. Then it got to my house and I read through the sweet little message she packed along with it. Sadly, I still had to send it back. And sending it back turned out to be an epic of unnecessarily grand proportions, so I won’t be going into further detail about that.
Second person I blundered into figuring out the present was the boss man. A few weeks ago (again) we stopped by Northgate Mall and he took a solo side trip to Electronics Boutique. I thought that was odd since I’m the only one who wants to go there anymore. After we left, he told me that he couldn’t find the present he was looking for. Hmm, what could be at E. Boutique that I could possibly want? Could it be a dance pad? Lucky guess.

One kinda like that, matter of fact, which goes to Playstation, PS2, Xbox and PC, which is actually rather useless to me considering that I have none of those systems and I can’t be dancing in front of my PC because there’s not enough room. The good news about figuring out my presents is that I can at least correct the givers from making humiliating mistakes like this…Although I really appreciate the thought. That’s what’s most important.
So after we found a dance pad online that could just simply hook up to my TV and play Dance Dance Revolution that way, I discover he wants to change the gift again. Once again, I was too nosy and found out what my gift was and once again, I can correct someone. I must be on a roll here because it didn’t stop there either. This past Thursday, my boss proposed a different present: an all expenses paid trip to Six Flags Marin World. Sounds like fun right? Well yeah, but I unfortunately had to decline the offer.
Reasons I had to refuse:
1. Expenses paid including tickets and transportation for an estimated three people, which would easily add up to about $90. Which I know he can’t afford right now.
2. I went to Marine World when I was kid and it had more to offer for me, like shows and stuff. Now, those shows have been replaced mostly with rides.
3. Everything there is seriously overpriced. So I guess this goes into the first reason.
4. It’s only going to be for a few hours at the most. A dance pad like his first offer would last much longer.
5. I’m just really not in the mood to do it. I mean yeah, it’s fun and all, but no.
So after I explain to him over and over for about half an hour why I don’t want to go, it becomes quite clear to me that he wants to go more than I do and that this is just an excuse for him to do so. Pardon me if I sound selfish here, but considering that it’s my birthday, can’t I have some say in how it’s celebrated? Just a thought. All things considered, I love the guy like a brother and everything, but in his family’s money situation he doesn’t have to get me anything. Seriously, if his mom pays me the money she owes me, it’ll be more than a gift. It’ll be a miracle.
So anyway, I guess that about wraps it up. If anyone’s interested, the Dance Pad option is still up for grabs as far as I know. You can find the best price for it here. Pretty sweet looking, huh? And before I forget, the most optional on the list is this microphone. Best looking microphone deal I’ve seen, but I’ve already got a mike. I’m just looking for a cooler one. And yunno, no one really has to get me anything on the list for my birthday. I like getting stuff like everyone else, but I kinda think that expecting too much for your birthday is what ruins a birthday. I’m not a bratty child anymore and I realize that there are only two days left until my 22nd birthday. If anyone were to get something that soon, that would be phenomenal, but they don’t have to. Anyways, thank you for your time, and wish me a happy birthday.
Second person I blundered into figuring out the present was the boss man. A few weeks ago (again) we stopped by Northgate Mall and he took a solo side trip to Electronics Boutique. I thought that was odd since I’m the only one who wants to go there anymore. After we left, he told me that he couldn’t find the present he was looking for. Hmm, what could be at E. Boutique that I could possibly want? Could it be a dance pad? Lucky guess.

One kinda like that, matter of fact, which goes to Playstation, PS2, Xbox and PC, which is actually rather useless to me considering that I have none of those systems and I can’t be dancing in front of my PC because there’s not enough room. The good news about figuring out my presents is that I can at least correct the givers from making humiliating mistakes like this…Although I really appreciate the thought. That’s what’s most important.
So after we found a dance pad online that could just simply hook up to my TV and play Dance Dance Revolution that way, I discover he wants to change the gift again. Once again, I was too nosy and found out what my gift was and once again, I can correct someone. I must be on a roll here because it didn’t stop there either. This past Thursday, my boss proposed a different present: an all expenses paid trip to Six Flags Marin World. Sounds like fun right? Well yeah, but I unfortunately had to decline the offer.
Reasons I had to refuse:
1. Expenses paid including tickets and transportation for an estimated three people, which would easily add up to about $90. Which I know he can’t afford right now.
2. I went to Marine World when I was kid and it had more to offer for me, like shows and stuff. Now, those shows have been replaced mostly with rides.
3. Everything there is seriously overpriced. So I guess this goes into the first reason.
4. It’s only going to be for a few hours at the most. A dance pad like his first offer would last much longer.
5. I’m just really not in the mood to do it. I mean yeah, it’s fun and all, but no.
So after I explain to him over and over for about half an hour why I don’t want to go, it becomes quite clear to me that he wants to go more than I do and that this is just an excuse for him to do so. Pardon me if I sound selfish here, but considering that it’s my birthday, can’t I have some say in how it’s celebrated? Just a thought. All things considered, I love the guy like a brother and everything, but in his family’s money situation he doesn’t have to get me anything. Seriously, if his mom pays me the money she owes me, it’ll be more than a gift. It’ll be a miracle.
So anyway, I guess that about wraps it up. If anyone’s interested, the Dance Pad option is still up for grabs as far as I know. You can find the best price for it here. Pretty sweet looking, huh? And before I forget, the most optional on the list is this microphone. Best looking microphone deal I’ve seen, but I’ve already got a mike. I’m just looking for a cooler one. And yunno, no one really has to get me anything on the list for my birthday. I like getting stuff like everyone else, but I kinda think that expecting too much for your birthday is what ruins a birthday. I’m not a bratty child anymore and I realize that there are only two days left until my 22nd birthday. If anyone were to get something that soon, that would be phenomenal, but they don’t have to. Anyways, thank you for your time, and wish me a happy birthday.
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