Thursday, August 31, 2006

Babies on Shelves

According to Jim Hill Media, we can see some more of the worst baby toy ideas ever coming out in the next year or so:

The way I understand it, it's the late Jim Henson that we really should blame for this toon baby thing.

By that I mean: Henson's the guy who basically invented this genre back in 1984, when he introduced the
Muppet Babies in "The Muppets Take Manhattan" (FYI: Don't confuse the Muppet Babies with Sesame Workshop's newest product line, "Sesame Beginnings").

Part of what I like about this article is how it starts out telling the whole history of the “Babies” phenomenon, or to be more precise, the “repackaging in juvenile form” for older franchises. I remember wanting to write such an article myself a long time ago, so I rather agree with this guy.

And when the "Muppets Babies" proved to be a popular (more importantly, profitable) addition to the Muppet franchise ... Well, the Mouse decided that it wanted in on the fun too. Which is why -- in the late 1980s -- the Walt Disney Company launched its "Disney Babies" product line.

Heh. I wonder whatever happened to my Baby Mickey. It’s probably worth a lot on Ebay.

And given all of the money that Henson & Disney were making off of their "Muppet Babies" & "Disney Babies" lines, it was only a matter of time before Warner Bros. made a move on this same market. First by launching "Tiny Toons Adventures " (left) in 1990, and then -- in 2002 -- by following that effort up with the "Baby Looney Tunes" line.

Mmhmm. So what’s the point of all this, you ask? Let’s see what the next generation of Babified products is…Skipping ahead in the article a bit…Oh God…

Check out the latest incarnation of Moe, Larry & Curly below. That's right. The Baby Stooges. Reportedly coming to a crib near you in 2008.

Oh I just gotta poke fun at this. Little know fact about the “Three Stooges.” As babies, Moe developed his scowl from lack of nursing. The frustration he got from crying stuck on his face the rest of his life. He also discovered their famous eye-poke from that little toy bear he’s holding, which was designed to make a whining noise when poked in the eyes. He found more pleasure though in doing it to his brother Curly later in life.

And speaking of cribs ... Remember how the "Bratz" product line began seriously cutting in on "Barbie" 's retail turf a few years back by bringing a streetwise sensibility to the doll aisle? Well, MGA Entertainment Inc. is no longer content with owning the 8-year-old girl market. They're now looking to lay claim to the 3-year-olds too by launching a "Bratz Babyz" product line. Which officially debuts next month with the release of that Fox Home Entertainment premiere, "Bratz Babyz: The Movie."

Bratz babies accessories sold separately include rattles with total bling blings and Catchy talking phrases like, “Baby girl, I want my bottle.” My girlfriend and I had total fun with this idea the other day. What if they had a complete line of Pop Star babies like Baby Britney Spears or Baby Christina Aguilera. Think of the possibilities…Ashlee Simpson, Jessica Simpson, Avril Lavigne, all singing baby versions of their famous hits like “Spank Me Mommy One More Time” and “It’s A Damn Cold Night Without My Blankie.”

Seriously though, the Bratz just rub me the wrong way no matter what.

And MGA isn't the only production company that hopes that a young, urban, hip feel will help lure viewers to their new animated project. Check out what Wayan Bros. Entertainment just produced: "Thugaboo." Reportedly based on adventures that Shawn, Marlon & Keenan Ivory Wayans had while growing up in the inner city, the first installment of this series -- "Sneaker Madness" -- premiered on the Nicktoons Network earlier this month. While a DVD version of "Thugaboo" 's debut just went on sale yesterday.

Ok, so this isn’t exactly a Baby line, but I should mention that the title “Thug-a-Boo” conjures up an image in my mind of Babies in hip-hop ghetto outfits, cursing at each other and robbing people passing by. Judging by the website, it looks like I’m not that far off.

I'm not sure if the world is actually ready for a show that reportedly plays like a combination of Fat Albert, Charlie Brown and "Family Guy." But -- like it or not -- "Thugaboo" is here. With a soundtrack CD already up for sale over on the official "Thugaboo" website as well as a new Christmas-themed episode due to hit the Nicktoons Network sometime after Thanksgiving.

And speaking of things that the world is probably not ready for ... I give you the Marvel Babies!

(Insert Picture of Marvel Babies here)

Before you ask: No, this is not fan art or some "
Saturday Night Live" spoof. This kiddie-fied set of classic comic book characters is actually Marvel's latest attempt to expand its audience. Evidently, the battle plan here is (literally) to "get 'em while they're young." Have future comic book buyers bond with these characters when they're just infants. With the hope that these kids will still be fans once they're actually old enough to read (More importantly, buy) comic books.

Well, I don't know about you folks. But there isn't enough money in the world to ever get me to change the Baby Hulk's diaper.

In a world where superhero back stories are completely non-canon to their real stories, these adorable super babies also discovered their powers while young, or so it would appear. Instead of his ABC’s, Captain America’s mother had him learn the Pledge of Allegiance backwards and forwards. Rumor has it, he discovered his Shield-Throwing abilities one fateful evening when he accidentally decapitated his babysitter with a toy Frisbee. Baby Wolverine discovered his metal claws and healing powers one day when he was picking his nose and accidentally activated his claws, slicing up his face but healing instantly afterward. His mother never found out. Baby Doc Ock became a nuisance when no one could find him a proper diaper to suit the needs of his extra appendages. Years later, fans would wonder why he turned out evil. His arch-hero, Baby Spidey, practiced his webslinging abilities to construct a crib completely out of spider web after his first one had been smashed by a runaway toy train. And lastly, Baby Hulk got angry very easy whenever he was hungry and became extra difficult to feed. Baby chairs and table legs were known to be demolished by the end of every evening meal.

Now you have to ask yourself: If I can make this much fun of certain franchises, then are they really a good idea? I don’t think so.


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