Thursday, December 20, 2007

Time to Get Angry

So last week, I was floating around Youtube and I came across this video:

The guy who posted the video goes by the title “Representative Press.” Representative of what, I wonder. The Deluded Flying Basketcase Club, perhaps. After sorting through the usual butt kissing and butt whooping that goes on at those channels, I felt I had to chime in with my own opinions. One user named Sniper6081 brings up an interesting point saying that Osama is basically saying "Capitalism and Christianity don't work and that you should all convert to my way of Islam" in every video he makes. Representative Press shoots him down saying essentially that he never exactly said it that way and that it’s an idea concocted by the writers of “The Path to 9/11.” Hmm, a TV movie writer made up what the Al-Qaeda folks have basically been saying for years? I had to chime in. So I posted this:

Dear Representative Press,I would like to post a simple question. Al-Qaeda has stated many times that freedom is a sin. Are you saying by posting this video that they don't hate freedom? Or are you taking a stance against Israel?

You’ll notice, dear reader, that I keep very much calm and collected when it comes to posting with these guys. But instead of getting that back, I get what Internet zombies have to offer. Some guy named “VVendettas” tells me not to “confuse totally warped Islamists with what the head of Al Qaeda believes.” A guy who can’t spell my Youtube nickname properly when it’s right there on the screen for him to copy wants to tell me that Osama Bin Laden and totally warped Islamists are of a different category. Go figure. Representative Press responds with:

Jaimetud, don't make crap up.

"Contrary to what Bush says and claims -- that we hate freedom --let him tell us then, "Why did we not attack Sweden?" It is known that those who hate freedom don't have souls with integrity, like the souls of those 19." - Osama bin Laden Oct. 2004

Wow, completely rude and trusting of what Bin Laden says. This is going to be interesting. This is going to be interesting. My response:

I didn't make it up. Al-Zarqawi himself said that freedom was a sin before he died. It was in the news. Sure, he wasn't the head of Al-Qaeda, but he pretty much led Al-Qaeda operations in Iraq for a while. Agreed, Osama and Zarqawi were different human beings, but knowing this, can you still say that they didn't hate freedom? And furthermore, how much do you trust Osama for his word?

Note that he’s completely ignored the second question I asked in my first posting. I’ll get back to that one later, but it seems like this guy makes it a habit as he doesn’t answer my question of trusting Osama either. His response:

Bin Laden said this about him, "Al-Zarqawi's story will live forever ... He can teach the world a lesson on how to seize freedom ... and how to resist tyrants." - Usama bin Laden Mourns Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in New Video Friday, June 30, 2006. can you quote something? Can you provide a source?

Is this guy for real? He’s quoting Bin Laden almost like it’s his own opinion. And he demands that I cite a source, as if I’m expected to remember where I’ve read everything. I had to do some research for this guy before I posted this response. This quote I read years ago and never forgot:

Al-Zarqawi in an audiotape marked from January of 2005:

"We have declared a fierce war on this evil principle of democracy and those who follow this wrong ideology. Anyone who tries to help set up this system is part of it."

This was reported by the National Review, Times Online, Washington Post, and even Fox News. He then went on to call those who participate in Iraq elections as infidels. This is just one of the many ways they've basically said that freedom is a sin.

Instead of accepting that he might actually be wrong, the argument continues. His response:

NO, Jaimetud, he wasn't saying "freedom is a sin". He said, "You have to be careful of the enemy's plan to implement so-called democracy in your country," He said the Americans have engineered the election "to make Shiites dominate the regime in Iraq. Four million Shiites were brought from Iran to take part in the elections to achieve their aim of winning" most of the positions.

This guy can’t think of anything original to say other than what terrorists have told him. He is SIDING with terrorism, folks. That’s how bad he is. My responses:

I believe you're ignoring the principle part of his statement. I will repost it here for clarity:

"We have declared a fierce war on this EVIL PRINCIPLE OF DEMOCRACY and those who follow this wrong ideology."

It wasn't just that he had a problem with Americans influencing the elections, but the IDEA of democracy was bad.

Furthermore, I'd like to repeat the question that I asked in my first post which I believe you've ignored: "Are you taking a stance against Israel?"

It took him a rather long time to respond to this one. During the wait, though, I was secretly hoping that he was either rethinking his positions or he was cowering in the corner like the terrorist hugging, Islamofascism appeasing twit that he is. I was wrong. Instead he was taking his sweet time to write me an essay to show me how much he loves me. From there on out, I decided it was futile to continue this argument. Let’s take a look at this genius’s essay so you can see just why:

"Are you taking a stance against Israel?"

Yes, I think any decent person who knows the facts would. The dominant Zionist agenda was deceit and aggression from the start and it has continued. Who wouldn't take a stand against that?

There you have it, folks. I’ve cracked this guy wide open. The reason behind everything that he believes is just that he hates the Jews. Never mind everything that Jewish people have done throughout history that’s had a positive influence such as the Judaist influence on Christianity, the historical records that go as far back as beyond 2000 years ago showing what the Jewish people have done, the modern influence that Jewish people such as Freud and Einstein have given us which have lead the leaps and bounds in the fields of Psychology and Science, Joseph Pulitzer’s encouraging influence on writers from across the globe and, since I love films so much I have to include this, the four Polish Warner Brothers whose movie company today stands as one of the most successful movie companies ever created. No, this guy just hates the Jews. This is modern day, Hitleresque racism. This man is a racist! Pardon my French, but what the hell kind of festering, dead animal carcass does this sort ideology crawl out from under? He doesn’t even explain. He goes on to say this to me:

"They concentrate on how much injustice America has caused in the world and how to get rid of this unfairness. They mention Palestine, they call on you to uphold your national dignity, to defend people, and suggest for that you must sacrifice yourself." This is how they recruit. They DON'T say "do you hatefreedom? then join us."

Al-Qaeda threatens to cut off a French man’s head in response to a French policy of requiring Muslim girls to remove their headscarves in class and this guy expects me to believe that terrorists actually respect the way things are done in other cultures? Representative Press, in the snowball’s chance in hell of you ever coming across this post on my blog and you still believe this garbage, might I suggest you a few things to watch. The first is the documentary “Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West.” Another thing to watch is Robert Spencer’s “Jihad Watch” video series from top to bottom. Then come back to me and tell me that terrorists don’t want us to have religious freedom, something which fundamentally goes against our first amendment.

What other garbage does this guy have to dish out? Let’s read ahead.

"democracy" means what to him? You make the jump from a particular system to the concept of freedom itself. HE NEVER said freedom is a sin.Meanwhile, we can clearly see that his motivation is a reaction to US crimes against Iraq and MANIPULATION of Iraq. And the thing glossed over is the US imposed selection process, the US was RESISTING democracy in Iraq, it wasn't what the US was setting up BUT THE IRAQIS PROTESTED chanting elections not selections.

So after telling himself for the umpteenth time that freedom really doesn’t go against their beliefs, that it’s just a fabrication, he tells me that the U.S. tried to oppose having democracy in Iraq and that Iraqis were protesting. That’s funny. See, what happened in the real world was that the U.S. fought to institute freedom in Iraq and the Iraqi people were so excited to vote, they came and voted despite any terrorist threats that came their way if they decided to vote. Perhaps I’ve actually crossed into an interdimensional warp zone on the Internet and I’m actually having this argument with someone in a parallel universe where all this stuff is true. Either that or they need to stop allowing Internet access to the clinically insane.

Anything else to tell us about life in the Twilight Zone, Nostradamus?

But the point is Al-Zarqawi was not doing good but he was in Iraq because the US is in Iraq AND NOT because the "US is a beacon of freedom"And the guy you are pointing to had nothing to do with 9/11. Why pick him? You are tying to sell the BS that we were attacked because al-qeada doesn't like freedom? that is a LIE!

Al-Zarqawi and Osama came from the same background. They had the same religion, the same beliefs, the same occupation and Al-Zarqawi didn’t bat an eyelid when it came to joining Al-Qaeda. They are the same kind of person unified under the same beliefs, fighting for the same cause, to convert the world to their twisted version of Islam at gunpoint.

There’s one more point this guy makes that I feel I need to repost. Oh wait, he doesn’t post his own point next. He quotes from someone else because he can’t think for himself:

The politicians really are at great fault for not squaring with the American people. We're being attacked for what we do in the Islamic world, not for who we are or what we believe in or how we live. And there's a huge burden of guilt to be laid at Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton, both parties for simply lying to the American people." - Michael Scheuer, Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief

Really? He said that? Good for him. Too bad his statement doesn’t go along with the facts.

Again, if you, Representative Press, come across this post, I have a dare for you. I’ve said a lot of things in this post that I haven’t cited. You see, unlike you, I’m not obsessed with politicians to the point where I feel the need to keep a long list of names and locations of where I’ve heard or read anything. If I watch the news and someone says something that I find intriguing, I don’t whip out a notepad and jot down the name of who said it, their occupation, their political party and the news station I got it from. So I’d like to play a little game with you.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find every story I’ve referenced throughout this article that I haven’t cited, Google them and see where you can find them. I’ve spent years doing this kind of research myself. Now, it’s up to you to do yours. You can either find out the truth, or you can sit back in your chair and keep on finding reasons to hate Bush, Clinton and the Jews for all the problems in the world. Drown in your own hatred or swim. It’s your choice.

And another thing. If you dare come back to me with another essay justifying your racism, I won’t be giving you my time anymore. Justifying racism as you’ve tried to do is an unacceptable waste of my time. I’m so frustrated by this blatantly ignorant, racist stupidity, I’m listening to Christmas music right now just to keep the temperature in my head from rising above 110 degrees. Ugh. Good day.

Oh, one more thing. Have a merry Christmas.



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