Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jihad Watched

So this is the movie that’s gotten Muslims completely stirred up in Europe. Geert Wilders, a politician in Europe, recently made a short documentary called Fitna which supposedly exposes the religion of Islam by showing passages from the Quran alongside images and video of violence and hate speech from Muslim extremists that supposedly goes along with these passages. And in my opinion, they seem to fit the bill…forest the most part. I’ll get back to that in a bit.

If you want to watch Fitna, the whole short film can be watched here, online for free and no signups required. The film is not work safe at all and be sure to have 15 minutes put aside if you plan to watch the whole thing.

Now for the backlash. Critics everywhere have either praised this movie for showing the truth or bashed it for misrepresenting the Muslim faith. You can find one particular debunking here, courtesy of ABC, to see how one particular Muslim interprets the Quran passages used in the film in a more peaceful manner.

I like to take everything into account when it comes to matters like this, so for the sake of argument, I’m posting links to both the video and one particular debunking. But on top of that, I’d like to note Dr. Robert Spencer again for his work and research on Islam and the radical extremists that take up only a small percentage of the worldwide Muslim population. He runs the website Jihad Watch, which the movie Fitna can be seen on in the above link and I’ve been reading his stuff for some time. The debunking I’ve linked to here is one interpretation of the Quran, but don’t think that other people out there haven’t got another interpretation.

Watch, read and think.



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