Monday, January 19, 2009


Right now, I’m listening to a concert. A concert in honor of the man they call the world’s biggest celebrity, Barack Obama. Minutes ago, I was invited by to watch the “Kids Inaugural” online right now. I thought it was an inaugural, but it’s not. Not with Miley Cyrus performing live in front of a concert audience. And look who gets front row seating? Why none other than Mrs. Obama and her two children.

I really don’t get this. Before even being elected president Obama has one major achivemement: glorification. He’s had his face minted on a coin, he’s got a commemorative plaque, he’s got everything. Thus going to prove that you can have next to zero accomplishments and still have the world grovel at your feet. George W. Bush has a coin too, but good luck finding one that’s complimentary.

Tomorrow, Obama will be inaugurated with the biggest, most expensive inauguration in history. $170 million, courtesy of the recently bailed out Wall Street. So it doesn’t matter if you’ve turned your back on your base prior to getting into office. People will still love you, so long as you’re a cult leader.

I will not be watching the inauguration tomorrow. And no, it’s not because Obama wasn’t my candidate of choice. I swore not to be like the sore losers of the past eight years wearing T-shirts that say Bush is not my president. Obama is my president whether I like it or not and I will try to support him where I can. I’m just not watching because frankly I find inaugurations boring. I didn’t watch Bush’s inaugurations on TV. The last time I watched an inauguration, I was in the 4th grade watching Clinton get sworn in IN CLASS. And believe me I wished I was doing something else, cause that was just boring.

Today, I celebrated the birthday of Martin Luther Kin, a man who accomplished so many great things in his lifetime and will be honored for decades to come for them. I celebrated by taking a walk on Mount Tam with my family. Tomorrow, I’m going to the library to return some movies and coming back home to work on one of my own movies like any other day.

Congratulations, President Obama. You won the presidency and you won the hearts of many, but please…keep the change.


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