Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Passive Resistance

The situation in my Political Sciences class took a turn for the I-totally-saw-this-sort-of-thing-coming lately. Just to give you an idea about how left-wing the school is, we did a count at the beginning of a semester. There were only three Republicans and some 15-20 Democrats, which is just as well because every class I take seems to have a similar count. Anyhow, the only two Republicans who have the guts to speak out in class are me and Dan, the guy that sits right next to me,

Last Thursday, we went off on a political tangent as usual and Dan asked the teacher a question that I can’t remember right now, but I do remember that the teacher said he’d get back to it. He didn’t. So after class, Dan decided to go up and talk to him. On the way up, I told him in a sarcastic tone, “Don’t worry. He’ll get around to your question eventually.” And he said, “Yeah, sure.”

So today, I asked Dan how that whole situation went. He’d forgotten the question as well, but by the time he got back to his desk, his schoolbook was gone. I guess that’s we get for being Republican in a Democratic atmosphere.

Guy with his hand up: Excuse me, but if there’s one more Republican in the class than you two guys, isn’t there a tiny chance that a Democrat didn’t steal his book?
Me: Yeah, that chance is so small it practically doesn’t exist. Why would a Republican steal from another Republican’s book?
Guy with his hand up: Umm, because he needed it? O_o
Me: Look, this isn’t a case of stealing for survival here. This is a case of someone pushing someone else around. He’s lucky the Democrats didn’t form a lynch mob around him.
Guy with hand up: That’s totally over exaggerating it!
Me: Really? A lot of Democrats like to form parades in places where they’re likely to hold up traffic and maybe hospitalize a few cops in the process. Wouldn’t surprise me if that happened today.
Guy with hand up: YOU DIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! (Runs off to safety as if I was going to attack him.)

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the majority of Democrats.


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