Monday, October 10, 2005

Listen to Andrew

The other day, I was at my church attending the first service. While there, I ran into an old friend of mine, a Mr. Andrew Stanton. And just so you guys know, I mean THIS Andrew Stanton who works at Pixar Animation and does a lot of the heavy work there. He was appearing much more raggedy and unshaven than he is in that picture at the IMDB site. In fact, I didn’t exactly recognize him at first until he acknowledged me. Just to be friendly, I approached him after the service, I told him “I see your disguise is working well,” and he, indicating my beard, said “So is yours.”

So why do I bring this up? Oh a number of reasons. First off, we covered some stuff I’d heard about Pixar. According to him, the rumor about Pixar opening up a 2D studio was only a rumor (although, Pixar employees did buy some of the desks that Disney was throwing out after they shut down their 2D animation studios), the movie “The Incredibles” was never meant to be made in 2D (something which the IMDB says in it’s trivia section under “The Incredibles” and he never actually got to see my video of the Mexico Trip, but I still gave him the link to my website. But most importantly of all, I learned this: Andrew does not like the idea of 2D animation taking over every animation project.

Let me elaborate: Andrew and a bunch of other big-named folks at Pixar, John Lasseter, Peter Docter, the late Joe Ranft, the whole Magnificent Seven or Dirty Dozen, however many people created a revolution in the movie industry by making “Toy Story,” the first animated film ever to be done completely by computer. They have had one monstrous hit after another and Andrew even wrote and directed “Finding Nemo,” which is, I’ve heard, the highest grossing animated movie, just above “The Lion King.” Now he’s telling me that he doesn’t like 3D taking over the entire animation industry and you know what? That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to say!

Not all animated movies can be made in 3D. reread that last sentence until it burns into your pupils. Are you reading this, Bob Iger and the Disney staff? Are you paying attention, Katzenberg, Dreamworks Animation and PDI? Listen to what Andrew Stanton has to say.


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