Today, I noticed something new. Someone actually posted a comment on what I wrote here. Since I have never gotten a comment before posted on my stuff, I hardly check for them but since this person was kind enough to be my first poster, I thought I might bring what they said up here:
Anonymous said...
Very Nice. I am really impressed with the great blog you have here! I was wondering how long you have been doing this?I have a Nano-Technology Energy Patch site/blog. It has some simply amazing testimonials regarding the unique technology that is good for those from 10-110. Just see if you can believe this Nano-Technology Energy Patch related stuff. Imagine a 12 year old girl weighing less than 100 lbs establishing the World Squat record of 275 lbs not once but 3 times !How about an 83 Yr Old Lady that could not stand and had to be carried back and forth to the bathroom and on a Thursday evening in 15 minutes she was not only able to stand, but also walked across the room just holding onto her daughter's arm. The next night, she and her daughter were arm wrestling and for several minutes were locked in the center position. Her daughter the next day said "That was my mom's WEAK arm" :-)Come and check out our LifeWave Energy Patch site/blog if you are interested in getting more energy and or sleeping better than you have in years, and I think you will be very impressed also :-)
Thank you sir, but I already drink coffee and take sleeping pills when I have these problems. Oh and by the way, I’ve only been blogging for over a year.
Anonymous said...
Very Nice. I am really impressed with the great blog you have here! I was wondering how long you have been doing this?I have a Nano-Technology Energy Patch site/blog. It has some simply amazing testimonials regarding the unique technology that is good for those from 10-110. Just see if you can believe this Nano-Technology Energy Patch related stuff. Imagine a 12 year old girl weighing less than 100 lbs establishing the World Squat record of 275 lbs not once but 3 times !How about an 83 Yr Old Lady that could not stand and had to be carried back and forth to the bathroom and on a Thursday evening in 15 minutes she was not only able to stand, but also walked across the room just holding onto her daughter's arm. The next night, she and her daughter were arm wrestling and for several minutes were locked in the center position. Her daughter the next day said "That was my mom's WEAK arm" :-)Come and check out our LifeWave Energy Patch site/blog if you are interested in getting more energy and or sleeping better than you have in years, and I think you will be very impressed also :-)
Thank you sir, but I already drink coffee and take sleeping pills when I have these problems. Oh and by the way, I’ve only been blogging for over a year.
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