Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Real Rats

I went onto Craigslist today looking for any job possibilities and I noticed they had a section labeled “Politics.” Thinking that this was a chance to get active in local politics as a job possibility, I clicked on it to find a would-be discussion forum. And after seeing several tasteless and immature postings that compare Republicans to sheep who only watch Fox News, I get this piece of trash:

In restating my views, at least I have previously and successfully argued alongside Emma that 911 is a lie and provided ample evidence of that, yet it always seems the pro-Israeli types are the ones that disingenuously say there is no proof of 911 conpiracy theories when there is ample proof. To me it is so obvious. San Jose West, one of the most ardent Israeli supporters here on this board, is a typical example of this type and this is no conicidence. I am pretty sure he knows the truth of 911 almost as certain as I know he is Jewish. And if 911 is a lie there is a clear conspiracy of many prominent Jews in our government and the Pentagon being involved. Very clearly as the very architects of PNAC and the main neocon players in our government are Jewish, controlling the pupper Bush. Many Americans know this and that is why anti-semitism is increasing and that is why the attack on Elie Weisel was probably only "virtual" or staged, ie, to give more credence to the lie that we need even more hate crime laws to stifle free speech, especially when it involves anything to do with Israel or the Holocaust that Jews don't like or want to hear. No one is advocating for Nazi Germany or concentration camps from mainstream critics of Israel, only essentially a more balanced approach to the Middle east and an end to the war. Seems reasonable to me. 3000 murdered by our own government and the politicians still remain silent. Why do they remain silent? Remember the anthrax scare? That's why. Any politican of substance who diligently fought to uncover the truth of 911 and made progress, would surely be assassinated. They have let out a little bits of "conspiracy" coverage on the news in rigged interviews or entertainment news but these are just sound bites to appease the people and lull them into thinking they are making progress. In fact they probably are not but at least more and more question it. Certainly the people at the New York Times know of the turth but they won't or can't publish. The media is controlled as well. There is no real free press that gives us the truth anymore. Just sound bites and distractions, running the gamut from Anna Nicole Smith to the never ending OJ Simpson saga. Who cares about these hasbeens? I certainly don't. No, America is totally out of whack and under the influence of corporate America run amok for the almighty dollar and to please their shareholders. Our foreign policy has been hijacked by people whose main interest is to kill Arabs for Israel and make money off it (Dianne Feinstein and here husband and thousands more). There is a bit of hope in that Jimmy Carter came out and said as much as he did in his book about the Middle East, but he I wish he went further and called for an independent investigation of 911. But that will never happen. This is why I am so outraged, disgusted and write with anger. What I see in America today really, really saddens me. A nation that was so much loved after WWII has become a war machine for profit and Israel and now hated, scorned and mocked around the world. We are a lost nation and this is indisputable.

It’s bad enough that most Liberal Democrats I read about are starting to become ranting jew-haters, but here we have a specific case of someone who’s crazy enough to believe that the Neo-con Jews took over the government so they could fly airplanes into the World Trade Center and predict that it would somehow lead us to a situation several years LATER that would make us decide who we should support: PLOs or Israelis.

I used to think that the left was safe for Jewish people. Now it’s turning into a haven for rabid, racist Jew-haters. What’s the problem here, folks?


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