Friday, September 03, 2010

Onto other Topics

You might recall a short time ago a friend of mine on Facebook complaining about PJTV downsizing the power of the minority. Ended that post saying I’m glad that it didn’t turn into a foaming at the mouth argument. Well, it seems I’ve danced on the fine line that turns it into one.

“Drinkingwithbob” on Youtube is the very definition of a radical figure. Not only is he very strong in his convictions but he also is very outspoken about them. And by that I mean, every video he puts on a ranting routine about whatever current events he can think of. Sometimes he has a point, sometimes he sounds like a nutball truther, in which case I’ll give his videos a thumbs down. But apparently, he’s got that angry insult comic style that’s popular up until the point where you don’t agree with him.

So when I gave the above video a thumbs up, I made sure to post the following comment along with it on my Facebook account:

For the record, I don't condone the action of a guy going around with a picture of Obama with a Hitler mustache. For all I know, he could've been a member of the LaRouchePAC. The problem I have though is, that this sort of thing was condoned in a lot of places for almost eight years straight and no one gave this kind of attention to it for reasons I can only guess.

My Facebook friend responds:

this guy just gets angry to get attention. why is the bungling of a situation at the Alaska state fair worth mentioning? this is not one of the larger problems the guy discussed.
don't get me started on the "ground zero mosque" what a load of bologna. I know your accounts are linked but I see posting as asking for a conversation, so let’s have one.

This is the sort of response I get from people who notice I thumbs up this guy’s videos, even though I’ve been doing it for some time now and he just finally noticed. So I accepted his challenge:

Yes, you guessed right. This guy get's angry as a schtick. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's out to make a point, and somtimes I even think it's baloney, in which cases I don't give him any ratings at all. But the reason as to why it’s worth mentioning is because IF it is a violation of first ammendment rights and not about the other charges mentioned, then that’s a problem. Like I said, I don’t agree with the protester’s methods at all, but I thought he had a right to do so. I’ve seen these protesters before and it pisses me off to see people likening politicians to infamous dictators, but they have their rights.

But you know, it doesn’t matter sometimes the attitude that people have. If you don’t agree with the message in video, it’s still worth a response:

His response:

watch this for 12 minutes and tell me what you think.

also note that this is a clip from a major news network and not a made up news network on youtube. That talks about world religions sucking.

Another victim of Keith Olbermann’s inability to see past the end of his nose:

My response…was a bit lengthy:

Ah yes, MSNBC, the network that tried to prove that the Tea Party movement was anti-black racist by showing footage of people carrying guns at one of their conventions…who just so happened to be black. Sorry, but just because a news network is major doesn’t make it any more or less accurate than any other organization.

My first thoughts are as follows. Keith starts out by doing exactly what the guy at the Alaska State Fair did. He likens his political opponents to Nazis, then backs away in his own typical style. As I said before, this bothers me no matter who does it, but he has his right to do so.

Second, I can see that Keith is content with dumbing down the influence of foreign monetary ties to this center. As far as I can tell, these ties, these ties are not being properly investigated, but imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is ambiguous in many of his statements so long as it furthers the more radical Islam agenda. The way he talks about Yusuf Qaradawi, a man who said that Iraqi citizens have a religious obligation to kill Americans in Iraq, you couldn’t tell if Rauf had a personal opinion on him.

For more information, read here:

Now for this Park 51 as it’s being called. I’ve actually read up on it and some of it’s supporters. And no, I didn’t have to go to PJTV to hear about this, but it’s been a slap in the face to the people who remember 9/11. and don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t be against building a mosque in New York. There are already mosques in New York, some of which have condemned the more radical members of their religion as they should. It’s just that with a controversial figure like Rauf involved, it makes you wonder.

Keith of course, spins this against his political opponents saying that they’re just bigots and that Muslims are the true victims here. Never mind the Islamic Brotherhood, Hamas, PLO’s and Al-Qaeda. Muslims are somehow more likely to be victims of violence and bigotry. And to prove it, he shows a video of a guy trying to blow up a mosque in Florida because that ONE guy speaks for the whole group apparently.

Now, I want to make this point quite clear. I do not hate Islamists. As I have been explained time and time again, there are two kinds of jihad described in Islam. There are Muslims who make jihad internal, which is simply put their own spiritual struggles, and those make it external, which is what radicals do I knew a guy who was a Muslim back in high school. Nice guy. Do I think he’s gonna go crazy? No, I don’t.

So in order to get a bigger picture, don’t watch MSNBC. Put your own time and effort into finding alternatives and do your own research if you have to. Support more independent news organizations and not people like Keith Olbermann who can’t see past his own nose to figure out who persecutes who.

Amazingly, I’m still friended with this person. Which means that he’s more tolerant than I give him credit for, he’s stopped watching the videos I post, or he’s waiting for me to crosspost a clip from Fox News to start whining about me being a hypocrite.


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