Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Extremeness

So I like to look up certain actors and actresses every once in a while to see what they’re up to in their careers. Bruce Campbell, the man famous for playing Ash in the Evil Dead trilogy and a number of other roles you may have seen before, is one of said actors. He’s one of the actors who helped elevate the shotgun from defense weapon to boomstick status. So I thought “What’s he up to lately?” and decided I’d look up his filmography. Looks like he’s got a project coming up called “Vacation,” which may want a title change sooner or later. I kinda thought at first that it might be a remake of Chevy Chase’s “Vacation,” but the summary for the movie is something VERY different:

Bryce (Campbell), an aging Jewish banker who still fancies himself as a surfer, ends up trapped with his lap dancer girlfriend (Moor) in a shabby, Middle Eastern beach resort after an apocalyptic solar storm destroys the west, forcing the luckless Americans to come to terms with a medieval, year zero environment and a hostile culture that holds them responsible for the world's pain.

Whoah! Hold the phone! You mean to tell me that Bruce Campbell is starring in a movie which portrays Muslim extremists as Muslim extremists? Ho-Lee COW! The entire universe has just come to a halt! The very fabric of time and space has just become ruptured and a swarm of killer meteors have been detected on the outer rims of our solar system heading for Hollywood, San Francisco, and every State University in America! The world as we know it is about to see the creation of a movie that paints Middle Eastern Muslim extremists in a bad light. How can this be possible? Why, it’s almost as if the inspiration for such an idea came from a certain group of very real, evil people!

Folks, I’m not an idiot on these matters, m’kay? I’ve been looking at the modern relationship between Muslims and Jews and it is a SAD, sad state of affairs. If you think the American right is as bad as Nazi Germany, just take a look at Iran and every other Middle Eastern country that has Muslim rule. There’s plenty of violence and bigotry towards Jews AND Christians alike. They teach their kids jihad at a very young age and enforce their beliefs with the exact same kind of anti-Jewish propaganda the Nazis used during and before WWII. If you don’t believe me on this, then there’s an excellent documentary that you need to see entitled “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against The West.”

So where does this leave us with “Vacation?” According to the IMDB, it appears to be within the genres of Action, Horror, Sci-Fi and Thriller. With Campbell attached, this probably means that we can expect anything between massive guns to Muslims using evil Qurans to summon the demon spirit of Mohammed to possess the bodies of the infidels. Sounds like it could be fun.

What also seems interesting is that it appears to be being produced in the UK, not in the United States. During World War II, the United States was notorious for creating pro-war propaganda shorts to encourage their people to support the war against the Germans. During the Cold War, the focus was on the Russians and making them out to be the bad guys in every James Bond movie made and several others. Even up until the 80s, the commies made cameos in our movies to remind us what a bunch of psychos they were. Now that we’re at war with Islamic extremists, the only three movies I can think of that portray them in a bad light that AREN’T documentaries are “The Path To 9/11”, “United 93” and maybe “World Trade Center” (I never saw it, so I wouldn’t know.)

You see the trend that I’m getting at here? Hollywood is AFRAID to make a movie like this. They’re afraid because they might offend Muslims worldwide and cause a chain of events that would result in massive, violent riots. Well you know what I say to that? Screw’em. London has seen Al-Qaeda and Muslim extremist violence acts one after the other for years now. Remember the London train bombing? Now they’ve got the Glasgow bombing on their hands with angry flaming men throwing punches and shouting “Allah.” They don’t seem to be afraid of making a movie that bashes Muslims over there, and you know what? I salute them.

Can’t wait to see if the movie makes it over here. Imagine the controversy this one is gonna stir up. ^_^


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