Monday, November 15, 2004

Political blog of the day

Today, I had two political blurbs happen that are worth mentioning. The first was with my U.S. History who is flamingly Liberal. She did happen to mention current policy and inferred that it was damaging to our rights. I asked her that if we compared the current situation with rights infringement (The Patriot Act being a favorite for all Demos to talk about.) After all, she’s a U.S. History teacher. She should know that in WWII, part of our deal for dealing with the Japanese was rounding up all the Japanese and American-Japanese and putting them in those little internment camps. How does that compare to the Patriot Act being harmful to our rights?

Luckily, she was wise enough to admit that we weren’t as bad now as we have been before. Not YET. Me though, I think it’s plain to see that there is no apocalypse going on with the Patriot Act in place. I think it’s the perfect thing that we need for the time being and while it’s not perfect, it sure as hell beats rounding up all the Muslims in the country and putting them into internment camps.

Blurb number 2 for the day occurred in my Astronomy lab class. As I got out my notebook, a guy across from me at my table laughed at my “Viva Bush” sticker. I told him that I’d actually planned to take it off after the election, but if I did it would just look like a huge rip on the front of my binder. But like every other Liberal, he decided to take this opportunity to prey on the “faults” of the Bush administration. He brought up “no WMD’s” and “no links to Al-Qauda.” I plainly refuted both of these points by saying that there was a WMD program and that there were indeed ties. Had he let me go on about that, I would have mentioned how Saddam was trying to lift sanctions in the UN to get WMD’s and how there’s great literature out there that details the connection between Iraq and Al-Qauda spanning across the course of many years (even though I cannot remember the name of the book), but he just denied what I said and went on to the next thing.

He then used what they call in the argumentation world an ad hominum attack. For those of you who don’t know, an ad hominum attack is when you choose to pretty much forget about the current issue and decide to get personal with the guy you’re arguing against. He told me that I obviously watched Fox News and that I was being brainwashed by it. I told him that I get my news from many online sources. I get news from (a brilliant blogsite in which the author cites many sources from all the big news organizations), (A place that’s good for arguments and getting some news) and the AIM news (which is, as I’ve already shown on this site, almost a complete joke.) He told me that I should just be careful where I get my news online. Before the class actually started, I told him a little blurb about the current situation in Fallujah. The kill ratio was roughly 50-1. That’s 50 insurgents to 1 American soldier. Sure as hell sounds to me like we’re winning this war and I can’t wait for us to do it.

20 bucks says that this guy worships Michael Moore. For shame.


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