Saturday, December 11, 2004

Ousted again

Yes, I’m back, as I promised, with wonderful stories about my life. This one is in regards to the post I made last month about getting interviewed by the school newspaper. Well, the update on that situation is that I picked up a copy of this month’s newspaper. Looks like I didn’t get my interview in. Instead, it looks like the guy who talked to me got several other people to answer the same questions. Here’s a rundown of the interviews featured in this months newspaper:

What about the election surprised you?
Will Bush work to unite the divided US?

Faith Caughlan:
“I was upset (that 11 states made gay marriage unconstitutional) because that means that gay people won’t be looked at as people who want to have the same equal right as straight people… All of a sudden we have these Christian-right moral values, saying that they’re not as equal as heterosexuals.”

Jocelyn Miguel:
“It disappointed me, because I wanted to see a different president this year. I was very concerned about Measure C, which is good for us.”

“I do not know… (about Bush.) I know what he has done. But I don’t know the future… We’ll see.”

Travis Bellinger:
“I was surprised it was such a close race. I though bush would totally win or Kerry would totally win.”

“I think Bush will probably do the same things he’s done so far… I think he’ll try to show people why he was elected president.”

Archer Fleming:
“Yes actually it did surprise me… I thought that maybe Bush wouldn’t be in office again, so it surprised me that he’s back in office, but I guess it’s another four years of Bush.”

(About Bush Uniting the US “No absolutely not.”

Peter Decker:
“Yeah, I was surprised that Bush won… And Michigan surprised me.” (Michigan was won by Bush.)

(About Bush) “No, absolutely not… He’s had four years of letting us know he’s not.”

So they excluded my interview and instead put in a bunch of quote from people who are either on the fence or on the left side of things. I quote Lee of when I say, “Oh, THAT Liberal media!” Funny thing is though, I asked the reported himself what he was and he told me that he was a conservative. If I’d taken something like this into over-consideration, I could concoct a theory about how the Editor-In-Chief of the Echo Times is flamingly Liberal and is pressuring all of his conservative reporters to report with a left-wing bias, but that would be cruel. Then again, if I was a Democrat concocting such theories about Republicans, I would have a lot of backing from my fellow Democrats on that one.

I also have to seriously consider the quote from Faith Caughlan up above. Faith Caughlan is an elected member of the student body. Even though I could have voted for her, I didn’t vote for anyone because I didn’t know who they were. Now I’m kinda glad I didn’t vote for her.

I apologize if I sound rude, Faith, but if you ever come across my blog, please take my opinion into consideration. Gay people are people who want to be looked at as equals. They have all clearly stated that they want to be treated as equals. There’s no way that most of them could be mistaken for people who don’t want to be treated as equals. As for the Christian right, they have always been there. They didn’t just pop up out of thin air, walk into the voting booths and vote for Bush. They have always been there.

For anyone who’s still upset about the election: calm down. You got through four years of Bush alive. You can get through four more.


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