Sunday, July 29, 2007

With Age Comes Wisdom

I sit here at church writing this blog between sermons, reflecting on how I was late this morning and never want to be so again after the lecture I received. I'm also quite aware that this Tuesday will be my 23rd birthday. Every year before this, my family has done something rather elaborate, even in recent years when I start to expect less from my birthdays.

I really don't need a huge party to celebrate the fact that I'm turning 23. Not that I'm not looking forward to it, but I feel as if it's no major milestone. I've discovered that it's easier to appreciate what you have for your birthdays. That and I don't really think that it's fair that on the year my mom doesn't receive any presents on her birthday except a nice hike through the mountains, that I should expect anything more.

This Tuesday night, I'm going with the family to see "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." Exactly what a filmmaker should expect, to go see a movie on his birthday. I can't wait. Perhaps I'll rewatch "The Goblet of Fire" some night to refresh myself on the story. As for gifts, the only thing I could use is some payoff from my dad for what I owe him for the computer. Other than that, I have a long list of "for fun" items that I really don't need or expect from anyone. Because what I would really like for my birthday is to be with my family and have everything be alright with them.



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