Wednesday, December 15, 2004

2 down, 1 to go

That’s right. Two finals are done and one to go. As for my final today, I think it should be noted that I feel very good about how I did today. It was U.S. History, the final I spent all day yesterday listening to a nearly monotonous computer voice blab on about just to prepare for. When I got there today though, I realized that I left the in-class note materials at home, but I was able to pick up a few of those to help me. And I managed to kick some ass on both essays for the final.

Luckily for me, the essays turned out to be about Vietnam, something which I studied extra hard about and even did some extra studying this past election when choosing who to vote for. I wrote tons and tons today, so I’m surprised I can still write. Must be the holidays. But about the test, I did put a slightly conservative spin on the events of the Vietnam War. Stuff that I didn’t learn in that class. For those of you who know me well enough, that means I made a few allusions to John Kerry’s anti-war activities. And because the teacher is flamingly liberal, I can only imagine her reaction to reading my paper.

On a bad note though, I have to redo the notes I turned in for the class and arrange them in a fancy order over the break. Surprise.

Well, it’s time to pay attention to the monotonous voice again for my Astronomy final. Word out.


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